
On behalf of the North American Holy Synod we herewith offer you this formal invitation to be incardinated into THEOCACNA as a bishop of a canonically established Orthodox Church.

We are mainly a Western rite Church using, at this time, the services of the Western Rite or St Andrews Service Book. Eastern Liturgies may be used if the conditions are met. The main one is that the priest or bishop must be able to do a complete liturgy that is acceptable to Eastern Orthodox Laity and Clergy. The liturgy may not be altered at will by the priest or bishop.

Our primary vestments are western rite. We recommend white for priests and white or gold for bishops. Clergy may have and wear Eastern vestments but we prefer the western vestments and are hoping to find a tailor to make our vestments using Eastern rite materials. We know a lady who makes matching Mitres and we recommend now that bishops use the round top style in 10". A mitred archpriest should wear a simple white mitre with a gold cross on it like the one shown on the bishops mitre below. A bishops mitre should be gold or white with more design to it like the red and gold one below. If eastern (or any custom) material is used to match vestments you will need to provide that material to the lady who makes the mitres. Here are some pictures of the style mitre we are talking about;

Red & Gold Mitre 1

Red & Gold Mitre 2

Suggested Eastern colors for Bishops:

Black & Gold

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Some financial assistance would be appreciated for the following:

Postage to ship vestments for the missions.

Antimensions to be made to order

