Copyright 1999, 2003, 2005 The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and
Apostolic Church in North America, ®
® shows our Registered Service Mark. [sm]- OUR CLAIM THAT OUR CHURCH NAME IS A SERVICE MARK OF THIS CHURCH. The American Orthodox Catholic Church [sm] is the original short name of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America®. The Society of Clerks Secular of Saint Basil is another Registered Service Mark of this Church. Our Logo is part of our Registered Service Mark. We suggest you go to our index page for more information on our Church and our various websites. |
We now have documented proof, not only from our archives but also from the
ethnic Orthodox in America, that no independent groups claiming to be the
Society of Clerks Secular of St Basil or the AOCC are or could be us under any
name. All such claims are clearly false. Continued claims are lies and proof
these episcopi vagants are unchristian frauds.
If you hear of others using this Church name and would like to find
out if they are a part of the original Church and corporation that was
headed by Archbishop Aftimios please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our corporate (full) name; The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, ® Short name from the 1927 Constitution; American Orthodox Catholic Church American Orthodox Patriarchate Member Churches of this Synod under the omophorion of Patriarch Nikon. Italo-Greek Orthodox Church [Italo-Byzantine], Orthodox Catholic Church - Archdiocese of the American Province, Michigan and Texas The Byzantine Orthodox Church *The Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America, Inc. (1951 NY Corporation) merged with us and now has our name. Contact address: Church Office,
Schism in American
* Not to be confused with the 1999 Ohio corporation using the name the "Holy Orthodox Catholic Patriarchate of America" and claiming to be the 1951 Church. |
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