The following use the name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" in some form or claim to be us under a different name.
Carl D. Bartholomew - see - he is up there
Symeon - Steven Holdridge -
Vladimir Wilson Sehorn - Was incorporated using our name
Most of the following use our short name "American Orthodox Catholic Church" which is a common law service mark of this Church as it appears in the original Church Charter that we should be known from all other Churches by either of our names. The following clergy falsely and improperly use our name.
Dominick Lorenzo (Retired)
Patrick K. McReynolds
Steven Kochones
Donald Jolly
Stephen Tyminiski
Alan Stanford
Matthew Constantine (A/K/A Norbert Tetrault)
Samuel - Mark Pultoral (believed to have left Orthodoxy)
Christian II - JM Brian Whitney
A group associated with Denis Garrison includes;
Paul Stoms
Patrick McMurray
Paul Dolan
and others