
Legal Statement

Archbishop Victor, Corporate and Synod president, with the support of the North American Holy Synod of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc.

Declares as Follows

1. The name: The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America is a Registered Service Mark of this Church.

2. The copyrighted website and photographs are covered by 3 different Registered copyrights.

It is illegal to use the intellectual property of another without the owners written permission.

Our commonlaw service marks are also our legal property.

We have taken legal action in 2004 against a character who called himself Father Monty and we won a Defamation and Invasion of Priacy lawsuit against him.

In June 2010 we filed a lawsuit against Carl Bartholomew, a former Roman Catholic priest and a Florida Chiropracter for copyright infringment, including using our Registered Service Mark in a manner that is considered infringement and a violation of Federal law.

We filed a complaint of Corporate identity theft against Carl Bartholomew with the FBI.

We fully intend to take legal action against any who are found using our Service Marks, copyrights or who we find claiming to be us (Corporate Identity theft).

Court action taken
