Established by Canonical Charter Feb. 2, 1927
Also known as
The American Orthodox Catholic Church
Between the time this Church was Canonically established or Chartered and 1933 various Eastern Orthodox jurisdictions moved into North America, the jurisdiction of this Church, and worked to put an end to this Church, Synod and clergy.
We declare these acts to be a violation of the Orthodox canons with the intent to cause a Schism in American Orthodoxy.
We declare all jurisdictions involved are in Schism with American Orthodoxy, unchristian in their continued attacks on the early Church bishops, Abp, Ofiesh, Bp. Sophronius and Bp Ignatius, and we declare they should not be viewed as canonical by any orthodox in North America.
Until such time as those jurisdictions involved in the attacks on this Church and clergy from 1927 to date, over 80 years, can show christian charity and petition us for a peaceful manner in which to resolve our differences their mysteries shall be considered Attempted Episcopal Acts within our canonical jurisdiction
Patriarch Nikon
June 26, 2007
Today there is only one way we believe the Schism can canonically be ended. The Ecumenical Patriarch and each jurisdiction that is or has been in the U.S. since Feb. 2, 1927 must acknowledge and accept this Church as the only true American Orthodox Catholic Church and accept us as of our original date of Charter. They must provide written letters of Apology to us and to the family of Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of Blessed Memory.
To all Orthodox clergy who do not wish to be part of the ongoing Schism caused by their Church.
We offer a home to good clergy who are surprised or shocked to discover what their Church did since 1927 and the unchristian ongoing attack on this Church and Clergy for over 80 years.
If you do not believe us please read the Orthodoxwiki pages American Orthodox Catholic Church and Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh. The writings of the Orthodox clergy who edit these pages confirm much of what we state. Our pages fill in the rest.
Then review the Rudder.
Since we are canonically established as the American Church, did not cause the Schism, continue today as the American Orthodox Catholic Church, our short name, and follow Holy Scripture, the Orthodox Canons and Tradition we are Orthodox and we are the American Orthodox Catholic Church.
We shall point out that the penality in the canons are to depose clergy and excommunicate laymen for schism. The canon refers to those who cause the schism either not knowing the other clergy to be manifestly at fault either in point of piety or in point of righteousness or without knowing him (them) to be manifestly heretical or unjust! No such claims were made about Archbishop Ofiesh of Blessed Memory or the other synod bishops to date.