Donald Lawrence Jolly
Claimed to be consecrated by Antonio Pietroburgo in Italy - June 25, 1980
Assisted by Clemens Minihofer
Claims to have received an appointment as legal and canonical representative of the AOCC (in Italy) under Pietoburgo.
He later claimed to be associated with the Independent Catholic Church International.
Steven A. Kochones
Ordained as an independent Assemblies of God minister 1-25-56
Later supposedly ordained by Walter Propheta, Sept 4, 1967
Assisted by John Christian and Foster Gilead.
Kochones later established the Church of God in the Lord Jesus Christ in Pasadena, CA.
He later sought and received consecration (5-18-80) in the Catholic Church of God, Pasenena, Ca
by David Madison Baxter of an independent "Orthodox Church of America", with the consent of Clarence Francis Quinn.
He associated "his" Catholic Church of God with the AOC (Propheta?)
On May 11, 1989 he changed his CA corporate Church name to the AOCC.
Mirta Lochones was ordained by Steven on April 18, 1966 as a minister of the Independent Assemblies of God
Assisted by Aurelio Pagan and A.W. Rasmussen
She was Consecrated in the Catholic Church of God, Pasadena, CA. on May 25, 1980 by Steven
assisted by Saul Partida, Terril D. Littrell and Leon Ralph.
Dominick Lorenzo
Ordained - no details
Consecrated by Uladyslau Ryzy-Ryski 6-26-1977
assisted by Patrick McReynolds, Luis M. Asarta, Antionio Garcia, Francisco Barquero, Fredrico Kuan and Lawrence Pierre.
Claim: Lorenza was appointed in 1978 by John Christian to be Metropolitan of New York.
Christian was said to have consecrated him sub conditione 8-15-78
assisted by Patrich McReynolds, Damian Hanson and Jacopo Antonio Lozano.
Patrick McReynolds 0 dob May 25, 1950
Ordained: deacon & priest 4-6-74 by Itkin (Evangelical Catholic)
Consecrated: 4-7-74 by Itkin
Rudder demands a minimum age to consecrate a bishop so he clearly is not orthodox.
Consecrated again: 5-19-75 by Edward C. Payne (Independent catholic)
Consecrated again: 11-26-76 by Uladyslau Ryzy-Ryski
assisted by F. Barquero, A. Garcia, L. M. Asarta & Frederico Y. K. Kuang.
Consecrated again: 1-19-77 by Andre L. Z. Barbeau
assisted by Andre LeTellier
June 1981 he started the independent "God's Benevolence Orthodox Catholic Church".
Sept 1982 - joined an independent AOCC group.
It also lists that McReynolds consecrated Barbeu