The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America was Chartered on Feb 2, 1927 and Incorporated on Feb. 1, 1928. We continue today as that same Church and we can document who we are.
All the independent groups who claim to be us are guilty of identity theft and show by their lies they are not a good Christian group or individuals.
All who use our name "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America" are guilty of Service Mark infringement, copyright infringement when they use our logo and/or name and identity theft.
If you are really orthodox and have "valid" lines fine. But if you claim these lines back to our Church from Ignatius Nichols you are not in our lines. Ignatius walked away from this Church in 1933 and when he did this he left all "orthodox" (sacramental) authority behind him. He could not act in our name as he was no longer part of this Church, In leaving this Church he left behind his ability to act as an Orthodox bishop and ordained as an independent bishop. All such claims are old catholic on nature as the orthodox do not follow the belief of once a priest always a priest. In Orthodoxy a bishop must have a mandate from his synod to ordain and bishops must have a mandate to consecrate.
Most independents quote Apostolic canon 1 that 2 or 3 bishops must consecrate while in fact that canon is no longer valid. Later related canons state 3 or more bishops must consecrate including the head (Metropolitan or Patriarch) of the Synod must be involved to canonically consecrate and letters must be provided by bishops who cannot attend offering their approval for the consecration.
We will no longer quietly sit by while independents make al these false claims and infringe us by using our name, history etc. and pass themselves off as us.
If you believe you are Orthodox but do not have an Orthodox bishop as your bishop or a valid Orthodox Synod then you need to check with the North American Holy Synod of The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, All these groups using our short name "American Orthodox Catholic Church" are also infringing our commonlaw service mark and we can document our legal rights to our names.
Those interested in incardination must apply to us at:
If your group is not under Patriarch Nikon and the 1928 Corporate Church then you are most likely part of an independent group who claims to be us. You may verify if your jurisdicion or bishop are part of this original true Church.
Corporate and Synod President