This website contains Historic Church information


The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America.

Written by Archbishop Victor
the canonically established

NOTE: We do not defame any individual or group intentionally. We offer herein the truth as we know it about our canonically established Church and those who make false claims that they are us in some way or that they have our lines, which we deny generally esp. when the lines are traced back to our Church from Ignatius Nichols and from non-orthodox lines.

Copies of certified corporate documents are available online.

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Beware of liars, fakes and schismatics

Father Andrew has said "its sad that these groups are so desperate that they cannot claim to be legitimate based on their own merits so they must claim to be us under whatever name they use".

Archbishop Victor has stated he will no longer put up with the false claims by anyone who starts to claim they are us. Archbishop Victor has collected much detailed information showing the backgrounds and lines of many independents who claim they are THEOCACNA. He recently had some pages removed from websites making these false claims using other names and he has a Federal Lawsuit pending over copyright infringement while using our Registered Service Mark. There are also related issues such as using our Church history, claiming Abp. Ofiesh "started or organized their Church" and other related matters. When this is settled we shall be notifing other such groups of the Courts ruling and our intention to tae legal action if they continue their false and unchristian claims.

Due to all the false and misleading claims by members of the independent movement who state they are us, are us under a different name, claim our history and lines of Apostolic succession in an unorthodox manner or just use our name and some ethnic clergy who claim we are not who we are and who continue to violate the Scared and Divine canons in numerous ways we have had to put together a list of as many as we have located who make these claims.

The groups named herein make numerous false claims and/or use one of our names which are the legal property (Service Marks) of this Church. This is Service Mark infringement.

The law says we can legally claim our corporate and short name's and logo as our service mark and we do. As of 1932, after 5 years of ownership, our name and logo were ours under common law in the United States. Under 15 USC 1065 we claim our Legal and statutory right to our name and logo as it was our Registered Service Mark over 7 years and the law states once its owned 5 years it is legally yours. The law does not require us to maintain an active registration to claim our name and logo.

American Orthodox Catholic Church

The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America [our registered service mark and legal name] A/K/A THEOCACNA received in 1927 as our short name "The American Orthodox Catholic Church" [our common law service mark]. The link below shows that our corporate name is a Registered Service Mark. Clerks Secular of Saint Basil is a former Registerd Service Mark or this Church, and still in use by us. Our Short name - American Orthodox Catholic Church is a common law service mark of this Church and still in use.

We are the one and only canonically established American Orthodox Catholic Church (THEOCACNA) and all those not part of this Church who use this name are misleading the public.

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Comments on recent events in the Antiochian Church

Bishop Mark and other SCOBA clergy released for such "petty" issues would be welcomed by The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America (THEOCACNA) which is a canonically Chartered Orthodox Church whose 1927 short name, now used by many independent groups who would claim to be who they are not, is American Orthodox Catholic Church (as shown in out 1927 Charter written by the Metropolia).

Visit this link for the truth why many who claim to be AOCC are not and cannot be.


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The links below go to the pages listing those claiming to be us using our legal name or claiming they changed our name, those claiming our lines of Apostolic Succession, Church Charter or history.

Claims made are documented in our files, from their own statements and claims as well as from independent sources.





Canonical groups



Copyright - 2001 - Archbishop Victor
All Rights Reserved